My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

A bump in the road

Some days just don't go as expected. Today was one of those days for me.

Mr G had a bad night having to get up several times for the toilet. He wasn't too concerned until about 9am when he started to feel some pain in his kidney. He hates hospitals so when he decided we better go and check it out I started to get a bit nervous.

Luckily the children are old enough to take care of themselves and it is fairly safe around the hotel so I could leave them to keep busy. I imagined that we would have a consult, get medicine and be home by the afternoon.

Well no such plans. Mr G did a urine sample, was booked for an ultrasound and the waiting game started. The doctor was not happy with his sugar level together with the increasing pain he was experiencing and so he ended up being admitted. This is not the first time I have had to deal with health scares from Mr G but it gets tougher every time.

Today the toughest part for me was facing the children with the news that he would have to stay overnight. Their biggest fear is their dad being sick and I had no way to protect them from it happening again.

They are strong and put on a brave face but I know what's going on inside. I try to keep things simple, be positive and not look too far ahead. This seems to keep them calm. The doctors confirmed a kidney stone and tomorrow they want to investigate his glucose levels.

S won a little cheetah cuddly toy from a machine today and we took it to the hospital tonight. Poor boy was not allowed to go into the ward as they only allow children older than twelve so he sent the cheetah in with me.

I can't sleep when Mr G is not with me so I have been sitting in front of the computer doing school work. I can't even tell you what I was doing because it is now 2:35am and I am over tired. As I closed the computer I realised I had not posted my Blip. Luckily daughter T did me a favour and blipped some shells on our balcony this afternoon. I think she actually did very well with this image. She put in a lot of effort and even got her brother K to help with enhancing the background!

I am off to sleep now hoping that Mr G is in less pain and has had some sleep tonight.

You carry on no matter what are the obstacles. You simply refuse to give up - and, when the going gets tough, you get tougher. And, you win. ~Vince Lombardi

My Joy/Gratitude Today:
~ I am grateful that I am healthy and strong and can hold my family together even when I am afraid.
~ I am grateful that my children are resilient and strong for each other.
~ I am grateful that we have access to top class medical facilities and professionals to quickly and efficiently deal with emergencies!


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