Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Spandex Butterfly

Well, that was certainly a gig! Phil and I headed down to London today to see Ninja Sex Party. Rich was supposed to be with us but unfortunately he's not well, which really sucks because it was so much fun. We did a mini pub crawl on our way from our hotel in Shoreditch to the venue in Camden, and for those interested, my favourite beer was a Blackcurrant Trifle as part of Brewdog's collabfest. The gig itself was phenomenal; we caught about 3 songs from the first support, Planet Booty, who were funky and sexy and just super danceable. As the set up for the bands were mostly the same, we were only waiting about 5mins before the second support, TWRP, started. They were amazing! The bass player, Commander Meouch, is a flippin' beast, I tell you. Just stunning. Finally, Ninja Sex Party took to the stage, and they were well worth the wait! I've not had so much fun at a gig since a bunch of us formed a conga line/train including members of the band at a Men Women and Children gig yonks ago. There was a real atmosphere of positivity and inclusion there too, and I almost grooved myself to death! Danny Don't You Know was a real highlight for me, it felt like an anthem for everyone in that room. Brilliant! I just wish Rich had been there too. I hope NSP come back to the UK fairly soon.

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