Middle Earth

Up to get the wood burning stove roaring and boil the kettle for some cups of tea. And the hobbits from the Burrow came to join us with their muesli and eggs.
So, well fortified, we stepped out to Braco Castle with its gardens. On reading of their history and the Graham family, I related to the assembled company how Montrose, James Graham, had initially supported the Covenanters but then switched sides to the Royalists under Charles I. Whereupon K sang “Bonnie Dundee.” Which of course was about John Graham, who was never any friend of the Covenanters, right? It’s all a bit of a muddle. I gather my man is more commonly referred to as the Great Montrose. Hence the confusion.
Back to the burrows warm and snug, and then a long sit out under the twinkly dark sky around a warm fire pit. I was about to relate more Covenanting tales but it was suddenly felt to be getting a bit chilly so we went back indoors for a board game instead. Next time!

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