Gitama's World

By Gitama

Clarrie Hall Dam and A Very Dead Tree

I slammed on the brakes when we came around the corner to see this....the tree looked as if it were hit by lightning (I cannot say for sure if it was) and all of its branches were scattered around the paddock including 2 old bathtubs...go figure.
We got out of the house reasonably early this morning and drove to Clarrie Hall Dam....we were the only ones was gorgeous.
After floating around taking pics we set up camp with tables and chairs to sit drink tea and our packed morning tea that flowed into lunch........brill.
We found some exciting places on the way back...this being one of them.
I wish I had the time to process and post some of the pics that were taken as it certainly was a day for fabulousness in the blipping department.

We got home in time for the boy to get home from school and for me to wrangle with the insurance companies again.....its really getting a bit boring now...I told them so...lets hope the next few days finds some resolution.
Ive been snoring in the chair watching telly and now ready for bed but just wanted to post before I start snoring again.
AN....The extra is of the mountain range coming back from the dam.

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