Anyone like Ginger?

This guy is one of prolly thousands of people who peddle around town selling stuff to anyone who stops them. He is selling ginger and umm.. green stuff. I am not sure what the green stuff is but it didn't look too tasty. Like so many people here, it must be a hard life.

Thanks for all the comments on the fake moon shot last night. IT was a little fun. I know some people know how to do that stuff but someone asked so here is what I did.. You can try this at home.. or maybe at the office if it's not too busy.. hehehe.

It was made from 2 pictures (hence some confusion about the info on the picture).

The first picture was of the moon and I just cropped it pretty close so the moon would be bigger.

The other was the night picture of the TV tower. It was pretty light, so I amped up the darker section in Lightroom. The rest is done in Photoshop so I will try to put in the actual methodology and some keyboard shortcuts if you want to try something similar. Both pictures were open in PS.

I selected all the buildings in the night picture and used Ctrl J to drop that onto a new layer. There are many selection tools in PS but I also have a cheap writing pad that I use to trace around objects. It makes for a better outline.

I resized the night picture to make the moon look biger when it is imported. *That was by trial and error.

Back to the moon picture and on the drop down menus I selected layer - duplicate later which brings up another box. Where it says 'document' you can select where to send the new layer. I chose the file name of the night picture and entered.

Now you have a new layer in the night picture with the moon and you can play around with positions of both and cropping and such.

You may have to change the order of the layers to get the imported pic behind the original.

There may be an easier way to do this and if there is, please feel free to add comments. I may transfer this to a thread on the forums.. More people will prolly see it there than on this pic. I know I like to get hints form others on how they did stuff. If you ahve any more questions please feel free.

Some hints.

If both pics have the same focus but different DOF (one is way behind the other) then maybe you need to blur the one in the background a little to give it a realistic look.

If your edges on the front picture look very sharp and out of place, maybe try running the blur tool around the edge to 'run it into' the background a little.

PLAY PLAY PLAY.. I love playing in PS.

Sorry, but I am sure there will be more than my usual typos in this. But it's too long to go back through.. I am lazy.

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