Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Jimmy's Banana Tip

Technically this photo is a cheat because it was taken after midnight so was actually from 2nd November, but it so completely sums up Jimmy's Halloween fundraiser that I couldn't resist! 

After the palaver I had about getting jeggings for my Casey Becker costume, I ended up just wearing a pair of Rich's jeans. Go figure! The night started a bit pants as we got soaked in  a downpour wondering round trying to find a cash point, but once we got to the party we had a great time. Chatting, scoffing samosa, dancing, and having possibly too many sambuca shots were the order of the evening, and good stuff it was too! I hope Jimmy raised a fair bit of dosh for the Brain Tumour Charity too.

(The title for this Blip was inspired by Jimmy (the yellow-tightsed man in the photo) who was originally also wearing a banana costume over his jacket and such, and was storing things in the banana tip XD)

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