
By Dizzy2302

Fun Friday!

Very Very late blip tonight (apologies for poor quality of photo-I blame the Shiraz!) Is it past midnight? Have I missed the deadline for today's photie? Have I failed the 365 Challenge in the first month? ..........Oh my goodness the pressure!!!!!!

Sis and brother in law just left after Chinese Sweet Chilli Wraps supper and family games night (although Cassie clearly had other ideas!!!! - she insisted on carrying the little yellow men back to her bed. No matter I was playing with the blue men so naturally I won! Tee Hee!!!!). Whilst I love my IPad it's nice to switch off technology for the evening and go back to the good old days.

Tis crazeeee O'clock and must head up the wooden ladder to bed.

Just time for Rules 3 &4;-)

3. Life is too short-enjoy it.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.

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