The ..........

 ............ Dragon - with a "pearl".

I have had this Dragon for about twenty years - I have always been drawn to mystical things - unicorns, dragons, winged horses - and the dragon is also my Chinese astrological sign (I'm actually a Water Dragon).  
I saw this and just had to have it - it's a four-clawed dragon which I believe is also called a "mang".

He's three inches (7.5 cms) tall, made of solid brass and weighs in at a whopping (for his height) 17 ozs  (475 gms).

If you can see "extras" I have included some other info about astrological dragons ....... it's a bit scary how accurate most of this is when I apply it to me.  The good and the not-so-good.

~ Anni ~

Backblipped early Saturday 9 November 2019.

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