Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Home Made

Bread and Butter Pudding :)

I've been fancying this for a few days~comfort food I think!

Very busy day on my Footsteps course, now I'm home in pj's and just waiting for a pizza to cook, then chillout and an early night as I'm working tomorrow....

Positives :

Managed to get through the course day and at least I had some right answers from the homework.

No snow lying yet, thankfully (it was snowing this morning though)!


In so much pain in my back yet again...possibly through sitting all day, and writing notes on my lap which doesn't help somehow...

Lots of homework to do this next month before the February study day, so I'll be really busy outside of work and job hunting. With this in mind, this week I gave up Facebook completely :) One New Years resolution, which may or may not continue, but I've managed it so far.... I intend to keep blipping, its much more fun and simple too :)

Thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday, apologies I haven't got round to replying to everyone properly... I will catch up with your blips this evening hopefully :)

Hope you've all had a great weekend so far blippers :)

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