Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Boys night in

Dawn has taken off to Stobo to drink loads of white wine have a relaxing time with friends away from wee boys.

Had a good day with them and they are now chilling out before I have steak, scallops, hoppy beer and an LCD Soundsystem DVD.

Flash stand arrived so I managed to get a few shots of them during the adverts on Phineas and Ferb; that's the time frame I get to work in.... All in all it's a nice wee bit of kit. Shows that it is £30 worth right enough, but treat it properly and it will do the trick. Flash was on the stand to the right of me with a reflector to my left to add a bit of fill. Might try some off camera outdoor flash tomorrow, see what the weathers like. Need to take plenty of Haribo for my models...

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