
Most definitely a dreich day today. Cold, wet, windy & grey.

Have been gone from the house about 12 hours as I got up with Kent this morning and went with him to assist him with a task or two he was wanting to cross off his “To Do” list.

Once those were done we drove to Deep Run so he could briefly visit his parents’ gravesite and then stop by his oldest brother’s house.

The day after Thanksgiving we put a solar light Christmas Tree on Kent’s parents’ gravesite and help his brother & sister-in-law put one on their son’s gravesite.

Today we dropped our tree off at Kent’s brother’s so that Jeff’s daughter can put both the trees out for us this year.

It’s been a long day and I managed very little sleep last night. I have already crawled into bed and hope to konk out shortly.

This Cardinal Nativity Scene is new this year. One that we bought on our trip to Grandfather Mountain.

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