Let There Be Light

By solli


I haven't left the house at all so I'll show you my lovely kitchen aprons. The green print one on the left hails from the mid-forties as does the striped clothes pin bag. The other two are a tad younger, only thirty-five years old!

I lounged like a lizard all day, clicking through the channels until I came upon Inglorious Basterds. I'd forgotten what a pure delight it is to watch Christoph Waltz embody the psyche of his character, Col. Hans Landa. His marvelous brilliance won him a much deserved oscar for his performance. Now that I've discovered he has a part in Django Unchained, I will have to buy my ticket although Quentin Tarantino always gives us a good reason to watch his flicks.

Now it's time to watch Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? There's some good apron scenes in that movie!

Enjoy your Saturday blippers! I hope everyone is well.

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