
By Wildwood

Bakery Goodies

t was 27? this morning. No windscreen scraping today because we decided to walk through the fields to Dana's house, so that OilMan could see the new paint in the kitchen. I got a glimpse yesterday while he was making a two hour drive, three plane flights and another two hour drive getting home from Mississippi. Seems a lot for one meeting....Everybody was out on their own pursuits except Peter who (still in his pajamas, no doubt) called hello from some distant location in the house.

Colors approved, we walked to the bakery/restaurant/deli at the bottom of the road. They have wonderful sounding breakfast, but we had Ozzie with us so we opted for coffee and currant scones outside where he is more welcome. It was a lovely warm sun trap and we lingered there until first Dana and then Jim showed up. Caught up on all the latest developments since last night, we headed home

Since the brush I ordered for the vacuum cleaner has showed up, I no longer have any excuse not to vacuum the house, but I found one anyway, whiling away an hour or so looking at cameras. It was easy to talk myself out of going through a few more boxes because the climate in the garage was still arctic, so I looked at cameras some more. The timing for vacuuming seemed perfect once OilMan retired for a nap. For a man who complains of not being able to sleep at night, he seems to have no trouble sleeping through anything during the day!

Tonight we're going to the neighbors' to watch a football game and have dinner. John is happy to have someone to watch the game with and I'm happy that I will have someone willing to watch with divided attention like me.They are the owners of Hank the Bassett and Banjo the giant Newfoundland puppy. In Berkeley it is no longer ok to refer to yourself as your pet's "owner". You are his "guardian". We think of ourselves as Ozzie's "parents"

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