Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

The hell hole

Meet the Library. My home for the last week. Also known as: The Hell Hole, The Soul Sucker, and other such names.

Yes today I spent my day in the library. I was solo this time as the girls are at a frisbee tournament and Adrian went to London to see his Girlfriend. It did mean I got 1500 words written, but it was rather dull!

In the evening I'd had enough so I headed home and Chris and I went to the pub. I wanted to take some photos in there but we had more friends coming and its our favourite pub so I will definitely be back there again Camera in hand. Matt, Annie, Sarah and Grace joined us for a drink before we headed back to theres for Matts signature drink of the week - Apple Sourz and Vodka... no mixer. It tasted deceptively nice but you didnt need more than 1! More people joined but I made my excuses and left early before the party really got going. Full nights sleep needed before yet another stint in the Library tomorrow... Its a wonderful life!

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