Blinded by the technology!

Today was a monumental day for me, it was the day that I received my very first hearing aids! The noise and loudness of everthing was pretty overpowering, OH! my aching earholes, and then I found how to work the volume control!
I'm sure the very efficient young lady told me how the volume control works but I must have been thinking about the previous thing she told me, or I just didn't hear because I didn't have my hearing aids in at the time!
Also took me a while to find out that the on/off 'switch' is nothing more than closing and opening the battery compartment door.
However, she (Najmeen) asked me to persevere with them as it can take months to get used to them and the brain to adjust to a different level of sound after years of reducing noise.
However, with my brain it may take years rather than months!
Not too bad though, I managed to get to 71(last week) without any regular medical treatment, still don't have any regular medication.
I'm sure I will get used to them, I'm already getting more proficient at putting them in as I've been practicing since getting home at around 15:30.
One thing I learned was not to wear them on the bike. I took my crash helmet off and the hearing aids went crashing to the ground!

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