Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I woke feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep. Thank you for all your kind comments about my insomnia yesterday.

This was a good day to join the long walkers. They were setting off from Blanchland. I checked the distance and worked out that I should leave at 0930 for the 1030 start. All fine.

As I was leaving, a little later than planned, I suddenly remembered that the long walkers start at 1000 not 1030. Could I get there in time? I could not phone ahead because there is no mobile signal in Blanchland, at the start of the walk. All I could hope was that they were a tad late setting off.

I arrived at 1004 and there was no sign of the walkers up any of the lanes I tried. I had to turn tail. It was much too late to drive to the start of the Intermediate walk. I drove to Hexham and bought 2 thermal vests in M & S, then came home.

I enjoyed Radio 4 on the way, especially Women's Hour. My mind was full of all the things I would do at home. Not one has been done.

Margaret (across the road) came, then Elaine (Mum's carer when I go walking), then Sam (grandson of Margret next door) and finally Liz. It was lovely to see every one of them. Sam is in his final year of a History degree at Leeds University. We love hearing him talk about his course and his plans and all the other things he does. When we first met him, he was a very shy 2 year old. Now his is at least 6 feet 4 inches tall and has plenty to say for himself.

Perhaps I will manage a job or two tomorrow.

By the way, these trees are the only ones standing after a tree felling operation near Blanchland. They looked forlorn.

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