We had one of these sunsets today <3

And it's been a great day today.

First we drove to Elche industrial area to get a parcel. While there I visited one outlet shoe store. (A lot of women were like Ooh shoe shopping!) I'm not one of them. My legs are so sore and I need new shoes to replace some of the worn ones. Nothing in the women's section. Just high heels and very narrow design with no space for toes. Then I decided to check the men's section if there was anything for the men of my life, but I found 2 pairs of good quality trainers for myself!


These are both for men and one size too big, but once I insert the insole there's still room for my toes and Mr. Morton (syndrome) won't hit me so hard on my toes.

Then we came home and 30 minutes later my 3D fabric paints came!

I made few beanie slogans to test them. Beanies are now drying and I'll iron them tomorrow. Then it's testing time.

My main event was to finish the decorating I made for bedroom and here it is: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5aTCuzoq0G/
It looks better in IRL.

And as a cherry on the topping yesterday I made this unbelievably good lentil soup Hindi style. There was enough for day 2, so today I got to eat this delish soup for the second day and without any effort!


Oh, and my kitchen decoration from the branches is painted and drying outside. Tomorrow I'll be able to finish it and put it on top of the shelf to tie the kitchen together with all the little things I've done.

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