Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


 This is an old bed headboard that sits in the garden  at my son's home. I walked outside early this morning for a walk around the property with the dog.  It was freezing cold but there was no frost (darn it!) as I was hoping to get some frost photos!     

Thanksgiving dinner/lunch was a big success as we ate lots of food!     While the parts that were not precooked were being finished up by my daughter in law I took a walk up the big hill behind Tate's house.  This was my first walk on a steep trail, somewhat slippery with so many leaves and no dedicated path.  Just walk anywhere there was a big enough opening.  There were some paths but they were mostly narrow, had down trees and limbs to climb over and avoid.     I had to use a hiking pole as the steepness was not sitting well with the ankle.   Stretching ligaments and tendons that do not normally get a workout on flatter surfaces even though I have walked miles.    Sometimes the hills were about 45 degree angles (or straight up in my book!).  This was a major hurdle for me as I did not know if I could make this kind of hike.   According to the walking app on the phone, I only walked a mile but it also says I ascended 14 floors.     I think I will be ready for my 5 mile steep mountain hike with my ladies group next month.  At least there will be a dedicated trail involved and not a path that at best was not even there!      I feel good about this acheivement and hope my ankle with not give me grief tomorrow!   I need to find some exercises that will work that ankle like this mountain did.  

The drive home was much nicer than going up. We had no problems and got home in the 4 hour time frame.     Grateful for that!

Hope everyone had some love today and every day.   Thankful every moment for it!

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