SO - that's why?

I knew it was an annual event, I knew they were, historically, early, I knew there was a sign of some sort up. What I didn't know, until today, was what the sign said.
In mitigation - The lights don't appear to be lit before December, I've just looked down the road & they're on.
I think I may have another go at a light shot this "Festering Season".
I suspect they may empty it daily, but, in any event, I don't think it's EVER been nicked.
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Extra - 1.
It isn't snow, it's the overnight accumulation of frost; car was unwrapped yesterday & ALL fell off.
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Extra - 2.
"More of the same", but BIGGER!

"The Old Folk" used to refer to a "Cold thaw". I think we've just had one, car tells me it's 0˚C. By the time I got back from my "somebody-else-made-it" cuppa, I found all had practically gone.
NOT a complaint so much as an observation.

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