A wee dusting

Just enough snow to cover these leaves and highlight their shape, all gone now. Thank you for the nice comments and hearts yesterday. I love that clump of trees and I'm pleased now to have it in the collection. Must get my head down now and in to some books.

I should say this is one of quite a few pics lately I've processed for dark and light. I'm quite enjoying the process of processing, learning stuff for myself as I go along. Of course there's a risk of over-processing and I guess we all have our personal taste on what's OK for us and what's not. I have a thing about over dramatic clouds - don't like them. In this one I softened the snow a little bit. I just wanted the shapes well defined - something that highlighted the pattern.

I'm glad I have blippers and not some teacher looking over my shoulder telling me if something is right or wrong (in their opinion). I'm fascinated by blip responses (or lack of them) and what earns stars or hearts, or doesn't. The picture yesterday was simply there, waiting to be taken, and didn't really demand any processing but that doesn't happen every day.

Some other snowy leaves.

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