It's So Cold........... How Cold?

It's so cold here in Florida that the low temp for the night in Ocala is expected to be in the 30, 31F.   The air is dry, the wind has been blowing, but no hard the sun tried the day never warmed up.
     Now this northern bred, New England girl thrives on this cold brisk air.  The girls and I go out for 2 very long walks.  being outside was like being rejuvenated and invigorated.  I grabbed my bike and had a terrific ride for a wee bit over 9 miles.  It was exhillerating .   The tears were running down my face from the cold!  What a great feeling.

In between walking, riding, doing laundry, the hunger pangs were beginning to roll out of my stomach.  Since it was going to be a cold night, some hamburg was pulled out of the freezer and chilling was started on the stove.  When it was ready , I took a big bowl over to my neighbor .  She fell a couple of weeks ago and cracked her ribs.  Perhaps a home cooked meal might cheer her up.
      Upon returning to my villa, I noticed the white frog above squeezed between the screen and the glass, trying to find a warm spot and survive the night.  It was stuffed against the inside screen, with it's legs up against the cold glass.   I will have to look in the morning and see it the white frog is still there, and alive..........     He (or she) is rather ugly looking, but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.......

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