Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Super Sale!

Maybe not my best shot of the day to blip.....but certainly my funniest!!!

I could not resist taking this Sale sign as we too have January sales going on during shopping festival right up until 3rd February!

Every piece of signage in the country has to be duplicated in English and Arabic, so as you cruise around the city, you do come across some very interesting translations! One that really puts me into stitches every time I see it is in Sharjah. It advertises the parking facilities attached to the store.... which are round the back, and simply says, in large capitals:


Needless to say I have never ventured round there to see the varieties that park up of an evening.

Another was in our own area where we had an old fashioned upholstery shop. One day as we passed by there was a very dilapidated, in desperate need of attention, sofa sitting outside on the pavement obviously waiting for attention. The signage of the shop:


It sure was!!!!

My blip sign today stands out because as you know Arabic reads from right to left and I'm wondering whether the translators have read this wrong and are giving away more than they bargained for!!

Maybe it should be reading.......


Must rush down tomorrow and see what they have on offer!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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