Blipper's Daily (?)

By blipper

Design Principle

IF I ever meet any of the modern car designers responsible for the electrical/shiny bits at the front of the car (ie the headlights) I may well offer them some guidance on design principles that (I hope) will motivate improvement in modern automotive design.....

1. Put this blindfold on
2. Now stand on your head
3. Hold that position for about 45 minutes (best done in cold weather so you get to be really numb)
4. Now try and insert your right elbow, backwards, up your own arse.

There you go.....that's just about half as easy as it is to change a headlamp bulb on my car (and many other modern cars I have had experience with it has to be said).

Alternatively you can take it to a dealer and pay them a lot of money to do pretty much the same thing....

PS - Ohhhh....that's much's a long time since I had a Bliprant!

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