A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A special visit.

I was second in the queue this morning to book a Santa visit for Eda at the Garden Centre when they came over from Harrogate to join us for the day before returning to Bristol.

She really enjoyed the walk through the various tableau en route to meeting Santa.
She was a little shy when she got in to see him but did  say ‘yes please’ when he asked if she would like a present and thank you after it came down the chimney!
It was wonderful to see her smile (extra) as she hasn’t been very well lately.
After a drink and an enormous cheese and ham sandwich for 
Eda we went to church. 
It was a lovely service engaging the children and adults in the story of the Nativity. Eda, wrapped in a gold stole, was a king.
She is familiar with the story now and knows about the baby Jesus so this was lovely for her to experience. The children dress up in what us available or cone in their own costumes, it was brilliant that in today’s story telling babyJesus was brought to the crib by a dinosaur ! 
After lunch out they have now headed home. They will be back in two weeks I’m pleased to say.
We have about an hour before it’s time to go back to church for the Village Christmas Tree Lights switch on!

More from last nights 'Glow'

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