It was a beautiful day today, sunny even if a tad chilly, so we decided that we would have a brisk walk over to see Mum, something we haven’t done for quite a while because the weather has been so awful, so we enjoyed walking and chatting together.  

When we got to Mum’s she was sleeping and although we called out as we let ourselves in, she didn’t wake up straightaway, so when she did eventually, she looked quite surprised to see us.  Soon after my brother, Paul, arrived and as he and Mr. HCB don’t see each other that often, there was quite a lot of conversation going on between them, so Mum soon perked up and enjoyed just sitting and listening.  

I popped over to the shops nearby to get Mum some bread and milk and saw my sister, Karen, who lives nearby so stopped to have a chat with her and then went back to Mum’s.  A few minutes later, we heard someone coming up the stairs and assumed it was the carer, but it was Karen, so it was quite a party in Mum’s tiny flat.  Not one to miss a chance, I suggested we took some photographs so Mr. HCB did the honours for us today - he wasn’t bothered about being in any of them, so here are we three with Mum and it’s great that we are all smiling - so well done, Mr. HCB - you obviously have hidden talents!

Under Door 9 of our Advent of Change Calendar for the Equally Ours charity it says, “Today you have helped to train a community group on how to create a society that is fair and inclusive.”  We certainly need to ensure that is the case in today’s world, so we are pleased to have helped.

I think that having all her three children together made Mum feel special today and I hope we made a difference to her day.

“Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment 
     with a blaze of light. 
You’ll never know how much your caring matters. 
     Make a difference for another today.”
Amy Leigh Mercree

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