
By Stepram

Chicken Pox?

Well Toddler E May have chicken pox, not that you can tell from this shot. A Little to much excitement and flash, but take a look at these Pictures.

We took him to see the GP today, it reminded me why I sometimes fail to afford Doctors the respect they should commend and why I often consider GP to stand for Gormless Prat, rather than General Practitioner. Ok there will be good and bad eggs in every profession and I know some very very good GP's however when I (or my Family) are the Patient it always seams to be the Gormless variety that we meet!

Either way after some humming and hawing and asking us what we thought it was, I stupidly told him our sister-in-law was betting on Chicken Pox but I'm not convinced. Well faster than a fat kid on a chocolate bar he jumped on the idea, I think at this stage any diagnosis would have done, If I had suggested Ebola god knows where we would be now ..... So the diagnosis is maybe chicken pox come back if it gets worse!!!!


Alternative Idea's / random diagnosis welcome....

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