A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

A Game of Shadows

This scene, high above me along the rooftops, caught my attention immediately, & in true blip fashion, I whipped out my camera & took my chance with little hesitation.

And I must say, I think it just about paid off. I was cooped up in the Office all day (it's becoming a very familar scene & scenario now) & so didn't get much chance to explore any other blip avenues. It was the bright morning light & the shadows that each chimney cast on the next that struck me.

On returning home this eve, in the post-work daze, it was far from sit & relax with a cuppa (as much as I would have dearly liked that). I sorted our Internet package out, so before you know, we'll be properly hooked up to the rest of the world again. Jenny & I then braved the Baltic conditions & went for a run around the block, brrr! Death in Paradise with Ben Miller & Danny John-Jules was on tonight again. It's fantastic & I would very much like to go to the Caribbean for a holiday.. right now would be prefectly fine.. despite all the bad murders.

In conclusion, a glimpse of sun was very welcome today.

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