I am rosco

By iamrosco

Couldn't really go for a burger

Not after seeing Jiro Dreams of Sushi, could we.

Really enjoyed the film, fascinating to see a true master of his chosen craft operating. The pieces with his sons were kind of bittersweet, their own ages being a constant reminder that the man himself is 85 and nearing the end of his reign. Fantastic to see the family dynamic though, and how the generations consider each other.

I'm stuck in two minds though - it's pricey, but I'll never have the opportunity again; it is considered the finest sushi in the world, but I reckon I'd be more than a little intimidated by it all... Bah, I don't know.

Can't wait for the next IT Meet-up evening trip, a high bar has been set.

Nowadays parents say to there kids, 'If it gets too hard, you can come back.' When parents say stupid things like that their kids will turn out to be failures.
Jiro Ono

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