Random Encounter

I am unable to hear my alarm clock, even when I set it!!
I was up just after 9 am when Dougie arrived at 10 am already!

I managed to hide his not yet wrapped Christmas present and was under the shower when he arrived.

We had a chat and coffee before I headed off to get my nails done.
The cold weather made my nails very dry and brittle, so I had quite a bit broken bits.

I only had a short wait then Han made my nails nice again. I went for a christmassy black with silver!! Ha!

When I left I was hungry but Comet Pieces was packed.
I met Sara in front of her shop chatting with an American guy, who I then continued talking with.
His name was Andrew and he was from New York. He was quite interesting and we continued the chat with a coffee at Sara.
I was back home before 2 pm and Dougie was almost finished with his work.
I wrapped his bottle of Laphroig and some chocolate truffles and we exchanged Christmas Presents.
Once he was gone I went back to work and culled Libby's shoot from yesterday and edited 10 of my choice.
Gallery was set and uploaded just when Neil came home.
(But that was late !)

We had cheesy scrambled eggs for dinner then fell to bed.

Blipping Andrew 

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