Rising light

What better way to start the day than to cycle along the Water of Leith looking for an opportunity to get a snap. Actually, it wasn't the start to my day, because that involved catching up on some washing up and cleaning up consequent to last night's jollifications (and very nice they were too), but this was the first thing I did when I left the house.

This is the corner of the WoL near home, which has changed dramatically, with the recent demolition. Here it is before. You can see the self same lamp post here in an entry taken just over a year ago. I rather thought the removal of that building might improve the quality of light reflecting upon the river. I'm not sure it has done that, and it has also resulted in the disappearance of a fascinating grim subject.

The demolition works are more or less done. The contractors were loading some sort of contraption that they use for sifting the soil that has been churned up by the demolition process onto a low loader. West Bowling Green Street has been properly opened up again, after being initially closed off, and then reduced just to the width of a footpath. I wonder how long we will wait before the reconstruction starts.

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