Meader; 1 frame at a time

By jasonmeader

3 Keys

Aside from life in general, music plays a large role when it comes to inspiration for me and my photography. I often find myself creating "music videos" in my mind while I'm listening to music. Or, at the very least, I generate mental still frames inspired, of course, by the lyrics themselves.

A group of musicians that can easily be deemed as my single most favorite band which inspires me greatly is Chicago's own, The Tossers. If you're not familiar with the group or their music, they are an Irish American band who create and write Irish music, rather than the traditional Irish musicians who make American music. They are folkier than Flogging Molly but are certainly heavier than traditional Irish folk music. They have a unique sound and style all their own.

While I was looking through some things around the apartment, I came across a small brass lock which slightly resembled a heart. Tied to the lock by a small piece of string was a collection of tiny keys - one of which opens the lock. My interest in older objects, or at least objects that have an old world styling to them, and a quick reflection on a song by The Tossers are what made this blip today.

Within the song "Long Dim Road", one can find the line "Three keys unlock your heart, my boy to find what really matters..." Naturally, I put the two together and captured the moment with my camera.

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