Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

I'm a little teapot

Henry's favourite toy at the moment is a little plastic tea set and he spends ages pouring imaginary tea and staggering across the room to present it to Neil and I! Today he enjoyed singing into the teapot and the different sounds it made.

Henry was very happy and full of beans this morning, and when Neil dropped him off at nursery there were no tears and he got a kiss goodbye - first time since he changed nurseries in October! We both went to pick him up and watched him through the door for a bit first, he was walking up and down the room with a big grin on his face carrying a pink handbag! Neil wasn't impressed but who cares, he doesn't know pink is seen as a girly colour.

I went to meet my new GP practise which was good, and finalised my timetable so I'll have Tuesday afternoons and Fridays off - can't wait. Neil and I are also in the process of booking a holiday which is partly exciting and partly scary but I'm hoping it will be mainly a good experience! Not going until May so we've got plenty of time to prepare ourselves.

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