
By WeeChris

A very fine beer.

One of the marvels of civilisation is beer. I live within stumbling distance of a proper pub, a free-house in fact, which sells beautifully kept hand-pulled real ale. The Dolphin claims to be the only 1930s style pub named after a marine mammal in Canterbury. This is the place to elaborate your stories about the fantastic picture you almost caught today of layers of mist on the North Downs of Kent. Here listeners appear to give-a-damm as you ramble about the lost widget for the tripod, which scuppered your excellent chances of instant stardom, because, obviously, you can't get the perfect angle on a night-time shot of Canterbury Cathedral without a functional tripod. So this picture is not of the Kentish Downs wreathed in mist, nor of the magnificent splendour of Canterbury Cathedral, but instead is a humble snap of a pint of superb Timothy Taylor's Landlord Ale. Enjoy.

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