Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Standing Head-to-Knee (Dandayamana-Janushirasana)

Wednesdays have become my yoga pose blip days. This is the third in the series.

Today, I'm doing a standing head to knee pose. This pose requires balance, flexibility, and strength. I was going to do a more difficult pose (twisted standing leg extension), but doing the photo shoot in a small space by myself is a lot of work. Rigging the lights, setting up the camera, and putting the camera on timer is a lot of work! I don't even have a tripod, which makes it even more challenging.

Before class today, I was talking with my yoga instructor and she was like they were asking about you the other day. "They" was asking if I was a dancer because I was so good at doing yoga. I was wearing my UCI shirt at the time and this person was like I'm trying to get into the dance program at UCI and I need to be able to do what you do. I replied, I just do this for fun. I don't dance.

Whenever someone stops me at the end of class and says how good I am, it gives me an ego boost. It's nice to feel validated sometimes.

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