Leaf imprint

This leaf left its imprint on a vase, it was a vase with dried hydrangea flowerheads which had been lingering on our fireplace mantleshelf far too long, a year or two maybe ! I'm slowly clearing the living room from too much stuff, trying to bring some order and harmony ;-) I thought it does make for a interesting image, both in the original version (in the extra) and the mono version. I don't know if it's too farfetched as a kind of leaf portrait for today's Mono Monday with its theme 'Portrait', and it's definitely not low-key. With thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday this December.

Apart from clearing the living room I've done the household job I dislike the most today (cleaning the deep-fryer) so that it's in top order for tomorrow's oliebollen deep-frying, when I'll be preparing the traditional Dutch snack for New Year's Eve :-)

Thanks very much for your kind comments, stars and even hearts for yesterday's leaves on ice  !

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