Making Memories

By LeighFamily

Juicy January

Day 1

The plan is that we are going to just have only freshly extracted juice (maybe a few smoothies too) for 28 days. Yes I know what you’re thinking, but if we were to carry on eating all the crap we have, which really isn’t good for us at all, I am sure we would get no judgement.

We have done a 9 day smoothie plan before and I ended up having the most energy I’ve ever had so I know once the initial few days has passed we will be ok.

We were going to start this on the 2nd Jan but last night with it being new years eve we decided to have a Papa John’s pizza. After we ended up feeling bloated and just generally awful - I was sat there wondering why I do this to myself all of the time (eating junk food) when I always feel so awful after. I know junk food is addictive, and even when I have really healthy meals and I feel so good after, I end up going back to the junk. I am turning 30 this year so feel like I need to sort myself out, because if I don’t do it now, I never will. Chris also needs to sort himself out so we are going to do this together. So I woke up this morning and decided to just get on with it.

For our first juice of the day we had carrot, orange and spinach juice which was really lovely.
For lunch we are having a Jason Vale recipe called Energy Explosion. It consists of pineapple, apples, carrots, spinach, kale, broccoli and lemon
For the evening we are having a V8 type of juice which is tomatoes, garlic, onion, romaine lettuce, carrots and celery. This can be warmed up slightly but not too much otherwise it loses the nutrients. But it is delicious just how it is.
For our last juice we will be having a warm spiced apple juice.

The hardest part of this will be the fact that I still have to cook meals for the kids… 

1 day down, 27 to go!


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