Heart and Souled

By DebsP

Pluthering Heights Take two

Back in May, when the chimney fixation was in its infancy, I blipped the pub chimney spewing out smoke and appreciated my new found adjective 'pluthering'. My dear Blip pal Folkiebooknerd wove in a little Kate Bush magic and the blip was renamed Pluthering Heights and I've been richly entertained in my head at the sight of chimneys since.
So the fire is well established in the pub hearth as the sun rises. This is the first appearance in my journal of a dawn. Also possibly the first photograph attempted before a cup of tea. I'm making up for it now.
Oh yes. I'm turning off those wretched stars. I've been getting threes lately, what's that all about? Whatever it is, it's been getting right on my wick.

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