New Beginnings

I have fallen away from Blip in the last couple of years. I did five unbroken years and needed to step back and relax a bit.

Then in 2017/18 we went on a BIG trip to New Zealand via the USA and Australia and I took a lot of pictures. I mean A LOT. So many, that when we got back, the task of going through and sorting them out  seemed enormous. I was photographed out as well, I took hardly any pictures in the following few months. 

And Blip fell by the way, from a daily habit, it became a task I felt guilty for not doing, and then it became ignored. I did a bit in 2018 but 2019 passed mostly unrecorded. But I missed it. And I think my photography suffered, without that constant keeping my eyes open for the picture of the day I got lazy and my pictures were less interesting to me. But I kept up my membership because I knew I wanted to come back again.

So my 2020 resolution is to try and get back into the habit of the daily picture (mostly, I'm not going to stress out about it). Also to upload the backlog from the Big Trip and fill in some of the gaps since. 
I've disabled comments while I try to get back into the swing and sort myself out. Things may be a bit jumbled for a while as old and new stuff appears and I work better if I can pretend no one is looking at me shuffling through all the boxes and moving things from place to place.

So Happy New Year to you all and Joyful Blipping in the year to come. 

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