Old Town

Ann had to take Emma to work this morning as her car had been dropped off for servicing. Luckily she didn't have to scrape the ice off the windscreen before leaving, though it was some unearthly hour of the morning with temperatures well below freezing. I decided to stay in bed and guard the house from intruders.

Later we went for coffee at Nero, then a little tennis over lunch before I headed off to West Street to try and sort the Windows 7 / WEP wireless issue. Luckily the research I'd done on the Internet paid off and I was able to manually configure the laptop to automatically link into the wireless service even though the SSID password was not being prompted for.

We're back off to Worcester in half an hour to pick up Emma. She may have a tricky time getting into work tomorrow as snow is forecast overnight.

Late News: Collected Emma OK from Worcester. It was snowing for most of the journey, though not settling yet.

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