Sickroom view

While the others went for a run (Mr hazelh and Paddy), read their books (Mummy hazelh and Caitlin), and played board games (Mr hazelh, Paddy and Caitlin), I was confined to my bedroom with paracetamol and Lemsip. My only company was the radio. When I eventually opened the shutters, the sight of the dreary weather (blipped) confirmed that I would be better off cosied up in bed until I felt well enough to get up and dressed.

Late afternoon, Mr hazelh, Paddy and Caitlin headed out to B&B's annual 2nd January party (the last of the Christmas season, or the first of this year). This left Mummy hazelh on her own in the sitting room, so I joined her horizontal (but dressed) on the sofa for a wee television fest. We watched the first episode of Sunderland 'til I die on Netflix, a documentary on Scottish wild cats, and the news.

On Mr hazelh's return, I managed a bowl of soup for supper, watched one episode of University Challenge with him and Mummy hazelh, then returned to bed.

A couple of blippers have noted that I seem to lurch from one cold to the next. I agree that in the last couple of years it looks like I pick up every bug that is doing the rounds. I wonder whether my cancer treatment in 2018 has weakened my immune system? A quick (though inexpert) Google search indicates that this can happen. I have to say that I am just grateful that this cold isn't flu. That would be a LOT worse.

Exercise today: none (ill).

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