
By Livingandloving

Ice Play

Our morning was only slightly warmer today, but I made some time to play a bit before having to jet out of the house. This piece of ice came out of a mug of water on our deck. I had removed it the night before and placed it on the railing. It froze to the railing overnight. I grabbed this shot of it slightly lit by the headlights of my truck that was warming up in our drive. I am not sure I did it justice, but I rather like the results.

Today was fast and painless at work. It was a day to get home a bit early, so we had time to play a bit together. The Hubby is still gone, so it is lovely to have our girl time. We've been having sleepovers in mama's bed, and I LOVE IT!

Tonight my computer, which is only 8 months old and NOT CHEAP, is telling me that one of my hard disks is getting ready to fail. ARGH! good thing I have a super crazy backup system. I'm not worried about losing files....I'm worried about losing time. I hate it when my computer is down....and it often takes weeks and weeks. So frustrating. So....if I disappear for'll know why. le sigh......

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