A bit of me time

4.30am start by Dexter + Olivia over sleeping until 7.30am + military operation to get dressed, breakfasted and ready for the day and out of the house on time and everyone deposited safely + work + kenyan hill training session in deep snow during lunch + work + collection of children + tea and bedtime routine + sorting washing out - husband for six days (this is day three) ÷ a technical problem on my work tablet unabling me to enter comments on reports which the IT boffins can't solve and my deadline is Wednesday = a very tired me!

So, if it's okay for Dex to take himself off to his sister's pop up princess castle tent (thank you very much Uncle Danny and Aunty Dahlia) for a bit of me time, then I think it's okay for me to take myself off for a long soak in the tub.

Thank goodness it's the weekend! Have a good one :)

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