Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


An early start today as my husband had an Addenbrookes appointment this morning. Then we went into Cambridge for a quick snack before returning to Addenbrookes for my eye check up.
It is looking good and the eye recently operated has better vision than the one, which was done last September. I have to go back in February for the stitches to be taken out.
Today’s picture is of some long stemmed Snowdrops, which are flowering in the Jubilee gardens at Addenbrookes hospital. It was taken with my iPhone and is overexposed. It was this or a banana that I had as a snack this afternoon!
When I arrived home I discovered that neither cat had eaten their breakfast or the treats I left them. Then I discovered that both had lost their collars, which open their food bowls. I found Florence’s on top of the wardrobe! Dougal’s collar and disc must be in the house somewhere; I have yet to find it so his bowl is permanently open until I can get him a new collar tomorrow.

The temperature at GMT noon was, once again five degrees Celsius.  

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