Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Common sun skink

Eutropis multifasciata

Not my planned blip, but when a skink lets you in close, this rare opportunity has to be taken.

A common sight amongst the ground vegetation, often seen scurrying away as you move along the path. Usually with yellow flanks, occasionally orange/red like this one. I have read that this is a sign of a male, but not confirmed.

I have seen skinks hunt flies, dragonflies etc. They have most success with crickets and grasshoppers. Frequently seen heavily scarred and occasionally with the tail missing. I have seen rat snakes hunting skinks, also domestic cats.

This is the largest of the eutropis skinks and I have seen them around 12 inches long. This specimen was around 8 inches.

Normally difficult to approach for close-up photography, but occasionally you get lucky.


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