What's with the white stuff?!

My last back-blip, I hope, now that we're back in Blighty (though not home yet).

Saturday: our family left for Gatwick after breakfast. So sad to see them go after enjoying a week of their delightful company in a fantastic location, but relaxed in the hotel's spa with a comforting hot stone massage to cheer me up before we left in the afternoon for Bristol airport (i.e. spent some birthday prezzie euros - thank you sis-in-law!). Everyone warned us - but even so! - to leave hot sunshine and arrive to thick snow was quite a shock. Luckily, though, we were able to land at Bristol. Finding a yellow car in a car park is usually easy, but when all the cars have turned white it's harder. Then, we only had to drive as far as Weston, staying with relatives, before we head home tomorrow. The week went far too fast. But all good things come to an end and we had a brilliant time.

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