The little bells of February

One of my photo projects this year is doing a weekly round of the garden  to keep a photo diary of what is growing/blooming/budding. This Sunday the first Pieris flower buds are turning white :-)

Thanks so much for all the wonderful Abstract Thursday entries, I had such a hard time choosing 5 specials only ! This coming Thursday is the first Thursday of February and as usual that one is theme-free, open to any kind of abstract you like. The tag will be AT241

Here are the 5 specials:
PL4yPhOto       a veritable micro moss world
KeenKen           a long exposure rocky water world
Howu                who had me fooled into thinking this was a reflection in water
AH14inbw         an ICM tree scape with great diagonals
FotoPlay            a mystery multi exposure woody landscape

Thanks so much for the kind comments, stars and even hearts for yesterday's tulip dance :-)

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