The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Rosy cheeks

I have blipped Wifie before and got into deep doo-doo. The standard of my portraiture is generally rather woeful. However, if you try something often enough, then eventually you may just by chance get a better result. So I have the rare seal of approval to use this one of her taken as we walked from Mags' house to the Strickland Arms. It was another cloudy, cold day and last Monday's light snow was still on the ground. It was cool enough to bring the colour to her cheeks.

Gus needed to be on his best behaviour as we were with S & J and little M. S says that he despises dogs, he feels nothing but contempt. More than that, he has a deep, atavistic fear of them. And this is a man who I have known to stay calm and controlled in some very severe and potentially life threatening situations. In pre-Gus days mention of dogs would often move to talk of pistol shots and spades. Fortunately, in his innocence Gus knows nothing of this, he accepts everyone he meets with equal affection and enthusiasm.

Gus didn't make any new friends today (though maybe little M was just a tiny bit interested in him). But he was on his very best behaviour, and he didn't make any enemies. That's a result.

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