Aonghas Van Sant

By aonghasvansant

I'm going to Valencia on Tuesday, weather permitting, to stay with my friends there for a couple of weeks. I think it'll do me good to get away from the island for a while. I've been struggling the last wee while, hence the almost empty strips of tramadol, which are the only pills that seem to help just now. Although a synthetic opioid used to treat pain, it also has some very interesting effects in treating depression. It seems to work for me, and I couldn't really have done without it the last couple of weeks.

This is some of the stuff I'm taking on the trip with me. On the left is a Rollei 35 LED camera a woman gave to me last year after her dad died. I haven't used it before so I can't wait to start taking photos with it. I'm taking a book by Per Petterson, one of my favourite writers, and also a book of poetry by Kevin MacNeil, Love and Zen in the Outer Hebrides. They should keep me occupied. On the top right are raspberry and chilli white chocolate beans that my lovely friend Lauren gave me at christmas. They are pretty amazing. My shiny metal senyera lighter will be coming with me too, and my earphones. I would probably not survive if I had to go some weeks without hearing Runrig, Astrid, Crash My Model Car, etc, so earphones are obligatory.

I'll hopefully have some nice, warm, analogue photos when I come back. I think I might try developing the films myself, after I saw this video. Have a look, it's so easy it'll probably inspire you to do it yourself. Film is just the best.

I hope I see you all soon. Again, I just want to thank everyone for all the lovely comments you leave; I appreciate every one.


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