Ski Sunday

A day spent enjoying the so-chilled-it’s-almost-horizontal vibe of Bilene. We decamped to the beach and lolled around either in the shallows or on the sand. Lundula organised for the jet ski stored at the house to be transported to the beach and I had my first ever ride as a passenger on one. Surprisingly thrilling and also harder than I thought to remain on a jet ski when there’s a skilled operator doing as many tricks as possible to hurl you off. There were several dunkings, including an unjust one when we tipped the jet ski attempting to salvage a rogue plastic bottle on its way to fill fish intestines with particles. Lundula summed it up well after a particularly high speed blast of the jet ski that he undertook to track a bird flying just above the water level: ‘honestly there’s nothing better than sun on your face, wind blowing, chasing a bird.’

By late afternoon we’d eaten at a beachside restaurant as the wind howled and then hit the road, and we made it about halfway before night fell. This weekend news has been circulating that water in Maputo has been cut off due to collapse of the major supply pipe and that the city is now under severe rationing for ten days. My apartment had enough water for a refreshing shower, yet it sounds like a potentially pongy period ahead.

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