Ellevill Jordan's Back Carry

3years 92days

A weekly challenge of new carries threw out this carry of the week - the EJBC, Ellevill Jordan's Back Carry. Katie had picked the stars wrap and really liked the carry. She loves to be able to put her arms right inside any carry we do, and this worked well for that. I havent used the yummy stars wrap very much yet, as it came at the same time as our new wrap conversion, but it wrapped soooo nicely.

I wore her to nursery, as it was snowing quite heavily and we were in a bit of a rush to get to nursery early as it was "bring your mummy to breakfast day". We turned up and met Brooke and her mummy there, went in and discovered we were the only mummies staying. There was no way our girls were letting us leave though. And it turned out a pretty good deal - a really yummy full-English for the mummies and a lovely time with our girlies. They had started on bowls of rice krispies while we waited for our cooked food. As soon as that came out, they both pushed their (nearly empty) bowls away in favour of mummies' breakfasts.

I've got lots of editing to do today, but am popping out for lunch and also to buy the fabric for my first tutus that I am going to make. Nursery are celebrating Australia Day next Monday, so I'm making her and Brooke tutus and tops for their outfits.

Edit: I changed photo - love her grin in this one

Katie at 3 1/4
*writes her name, x, m, o, and a few other letters
*recognises most of the alphabet
*draws people that look like people, complete with hands, feet, eyebrows
*has started drawing other recognisable things - shapes, a watch, a christmas tree, a cat, lots more
*counts to 8 in spanish
*is in Preschool 4 at swimming, having skipped the first two, doing 5 weeks in 3 and still being bored in 4
*is a size 6 1/2 in shoes
*finally has her 2-year molars
*can now reach the door handles, the top of the mantel piece and kitchen worksurfaces, and thinks its hilarious that she can get to previously unreachables
*can do dot to dots up to 15

*our wraps and our London carrier
*Christmas songs & "doing nativities" at home
*eating dry cereal straight from the box
*lots of bubbles in her bath (a new development)
*to sit in the place she knows is "Grandad's seat"
*to tow Monkey in his sledge
*Dora the Explorer
*iPad time - she is scarily good at it

*making snowmen
*bacon, iced gems, stir fried vegetables
*Toy Story
*Santa Claus

*Nativity - she was a reluctant star
*Appearance in a crib service - as the Angel Gabriel and the North Star
*Rock climbing
*Sleepover without Mummy
*big girls' swimming class without Mummy
*swimming certificate
*carries in a woven wrap

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